Matthew & Marie Wedding | Our Hidden Meadow – Moses Lake WA


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Matthew & Marie’s wedding was in Moses Lake Washington at Our Hidden Meadow.

The Wedding: Matthew & Marie

Matthew & Marie’s wedding was located at a beautiful venue in Moses Lake Washington called “Our Hidden Meadow” and it definitely is a hidden meadow!  Beautiful weeping willows, a pond with a waterfall, ginormous fish in the pond and a lovely swan who’s mate will be arriving this fall.  It was a perfect hot summer afternoon for their wedding day!  Marie’s grandmother flew in from Mexico for the wedding and shared some special moments watching her granddaughter get ready for her long anticipated wedding day.

Matthew & Marie are diehard Cougar fans (notice the wedding colors) and possibly some additional Cougar details during the day!  Their vows were met with smiles, laughter and filled with love.  They were surrounded by love, family and friends.  Their first dance was amazing with dips, drops, twists, twirls and beautiful moments.  At the end of the evening we drove over to a nearby field while the sun was setting and caught some of those magic sunset rays…which did a beautiful job capturing the love and magic between these two!

Congratulations Matthew & Marie!  I wish you a fabulous life together!!!

“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. ” 
― Nicholas SparksThe Notebook

PhotographerLynette Smith Photography 

Wedding Venue:   Our Hidden Meadow, Moses Lake Washington

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